Medsalv Announces Climate Positive Certification

We’re Zero Carbon and Climate Positive - we managed to become carbon positive by offsetting only 26 Tonnes of emissions! To put that into perspective, it's about the same emissions as driving less than 9 Toyota Corollas around for a Year. 

This certification means that we have committed to measure, reduce and offset the annual greenhouse gas emissions of our entire operations (our Scope 1,2 & 3 Carbon Emissions) by 120%.

That means everything in our entire operation, all over New Zealand: whether that be the energy we use, the freight to move Single-use Devices around the country, or anything else we’re doing that generates emissions. 

Committed to doing better

From the outset we’ve had an unwavering focus on doing everything we can in the most sustainable way. You’ll find sustainability in all of its dimensions woven through the fabric of our operations, and this accreditation is another example of this.

Our environmental impact is significantly less than you would expect from an original manufacturer that manufactures everything from raw materials, but we’re still focusing on how we can be better every day.

From a Climate Change perspective, that means we’re adopting initiatives that cut carbon emissions out and will reduce the carbon emissions that we generate, even as we grow. 

Where outright elimination isn’t possible, we’re offsetting our emissions by contributing to accredited projects that halt deforestation and support the subsequent wildlife and communities surrounding the forests. 

What are we doing to ensure our emissions don’t grow as we do?

Our emissions are low, but not zero, so there is work to be done.

While offsetting our emissions is important, we’re focusing on removing the emissions in the first place. 

Here are a few of our strategies:

  • Encouraging alternative modes of transport for our staff to and from work which are less carbon intensive e.g. carpooling, buses, or by bike

  • Our sector leading circular business model, remanufactures devices that would have previously been thrown into landfill, but when devices are not suitable for reuse we are recycling as many of them as possible into separate waste streams.

  • Using reusable cartons to ship and collect our products rather than resource and energy intensive (to recycle) cardboard boxes

  • Reducing electricity consumption via efficiency measures such as turning off unused equipment, using natural lighting and optimising our remanufacturing operations

  • Purchasing carbon neutral, 100% renewable electricity from Meridian to supply all of our operations

  • Choosing not to use carbon intensive shipping options like air freight, instead using rail where possible, road when needed

  • Encouraging our Suppliers to measure and improve their carbon footprint - and other environmental impacts.

Want to improve the health of your Supply Chain and reduce your hospital’s Scope 3 Emissions? Get in touch


Healthcare, but Healthier for the Planet


Medsalv on the News - 9 June 2022