About Medsalv

Medsalv founder Oliver Hunt has been described as having “the heart of a doctor and the brain of an engineer”. He developed the idea behind Medsalv while studying a master's degree in Engineering at the University of Canterbury.
Hunt discovered that many products that were sold as single-use didn’t need to go straight to landfill. He developed a remanufacturing process that could clean and test thrombosis prevention sleeves for re-use up to 14 times.
Today, the company has remanufacturing processes for more than 50 products. Sustainability is the heart of Medsalv and it is woven into everything we do - from our social employment practices to our use of clean energy.
We believe doing good at every step is the best way to be.
We strive for simplicity in everything we do.
We're only just beginning - we’ve scratched the surface in New Zealand and Australia, where the value of discarded devices is hundreds of millions of dollars per year.
Medsalv is on a mission to change this, and we want you to be part of it.



