About Medsalv

Born with the single purpose of making healthcare more sustainable; we’re helping the health system care for the planet as well as the people on it.
We’ve remained relentless in our pursuit as we continue to tackle the escalating environmental and financial waste generated in the health sector.
The remanufacturing process
Our Story

Medsalv founder Oliver Hunt has been described as having “the heart of a doctor and the brain of an engineer”. He developed the idea behind Medsalv while studying a master's degree in Engineering at the University of Canterbury.

Hunt discovered that many products that were sold as single-use didn’t need to go straight to landfill. He developed a remanufacturing process that could clean and test thrombosis prevention sleeves for re-use up to 14 times.

Today, the company has remanufacturing processes for more than 50 products. Sustainability is the heart of Medsalv and it is woven into everything we do - from our social employment practices to our use of clean energy.

We believe doing good at every step is the best way to be.

Sustainability at Medsalv
Our Values
Be Ambitious
We want to be the best possible remanufacturer on the planet.
Be Authentic
We are purpose led and we always do what we say we’ll do, no matter who is watching.
Be Sustainable
Consider sustainability in every decision we make: Environmental, Social, Financial. Sustainability is not one dimensional.
Be Transparent
We have nothing to hide and are open in our business practices.
Optimise for Customer Impact
Deliver everything we do in the way that gives our customers best possible value in their eyes.
Do Good Quality Work
We don’t compromise on quality, or cut corners, to achieve a lower price: patient safety trumps all.
Make Remanufacturing Accessible and Equitable
We put our staff first so that we can deliver the best possible customer experience.
Keep it Simple
We don’t like jargon, or unnecessarily complex things.
We strive for simplicity in everything we do.
Our Mission

We're only just beginning - we’ve scratched the surface in New Zealand and Australia, where the value of discarded devices is hundreds of millions of dollars per year.  

Medsalv is on a mission to change this, and we want you to be part of it.

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Healthcare shouldn't harm the planet.
Help us to change healthcare, for good.
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